
Write for Us

Publish Your Article at DailyTech.pk!

We are happy to know that you would like to contribute to our blog dailytech.pk. We always welcome exciting new authors to contribute to our blog with some good content.

Content We Publish

We publish high-quality content about the latest news about computers and technology, tips, and tricks about freelancing, work from home, online earning, and freelancing platforms. We also accept articles about Health and Islam.

  • The article must not be less than 800 words.
  • Should be unique and unplagiarized content.
  • Never published on any other website before or after published on dailytech.pk.
  • We will check this, so please do not submit plagiarized or already published articles.
  • Submit one copyright-free featured image with the article.
  • High-quality content aimed at providing our readers with valuable information.
  • Search Engin Optimized (SEO) content, ideally with a focused keyword.
  • Highly written good English and strong grammar.

Publishing Policy

Note: We do not pay for promotional guest posts. Articles without any links are free to publish.

If you want to promote your brand or company, please email us at contact@dailytech.pk for rate card prices.

  • We will respond to the serious authors only!
  • We accept article only about the topics relevant to our community and readers.
  • We accept only one link per article, which is relevant to the article and to our readers. 

How to Submit

If you are interested in writing for us, you can email us at contact@dailytech.pk. Please submit your article in PDF format, clearly mention your name and article title in the subject field, and name your document as per the article title. Our authors will review your article, if it gets approved, it will be published on our blog soon.

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